Prioritising Your Tasks.

There is ALWAYS enough time. It just depends on how you prioritise it.

This is easily done when you can create your Master-List.

  • Food Shopping

  • Training

  • Housework

  • Collect Prescription

  • Reschedule Dinner Plans

  • Reply to Clients Emails

  • Book Facial

Create FOUR sections of priority hierarchy depending on the urgency and importance of your tasks. This is taken from the Eisenhower Priority Matrix :

Eisenhower Priority Matrix

Once you have your master to-do list, you can breakdown each task into order or urgency and importance:

Important and Urgent = DO IT NOW

Important but Non-Urgent = DO IT LATER

Not Important, but Urgent = DELEGATE

Not Important and Non-Urgent = DELETE

Taking a list like the one above and breaking it down into sections will not only lighten the load that you have, but it will always make you aware of just what is actually important to do. Now I cant help you break down your own lists, you have to be the one who makes the decision on what gets done and when. But hopefully having this baseline of descion making will help you to free up some space and focus on what is actually important.

If you need any help with this or want to know more, drop me a message!

Suse xXx


First Month: Completed it.


Chester to Cupar: The Story.